IDAP is a place where the students like to go. You see that they appreciate to visit the centre. Participants are mainly young people, but also older unemployed men and women. They are in IDAP to qualify for a job. They find out which profession is the right one for them and they train for it in a practical and productive way. Many youngsters are interested in new technologies and their projects are e.g.: preparing a website or a video, learning to write computer programmes etc. The technical equipment is much better than ours in Berlin. They have lots of computers in IDAP, and these computers are upgraded to a high level. In the centre also other citizens of Vilafranca have the chance to use computers, to go online, to create websites and so on.

                          Discussing with students and educators

The German students working with computers in the selflearning classroom of IDAP

                  Rosa, one student of video with the IDAP's camera

I have seen many different practical placements of a high quality. Tutors are willing to help the students and to qualify them. Many young unemployed people can start a professional career after joining IDAP.

The main difference between our project and IDAP is, that we can give the students certificates for their “Productive Learning”, that means that PL is part of compulsory education and that our clients are still school-aged. But the methods are very similar. In the beginning of a day in school students meet in the so called “Communication group” to speak about their plans and their experiences. They also evaluate their Productive Learning in this frame. With the method we have in common the young people become selfconfident and they learn on the base of individual learning plans.

All together in the Communication session

                         All together in the Communication's session

I envy the Catalan students for the space they have in IDAP, for the equipment, for the good atmosphere in each room. In Berlin no one gives us money anymore for buying new technologies, a new printer, a good camera, a beamer etc. We don´t have enough space, the school looks like a ruin, we have no toilet in our house, the water tubes are old and mouldy. I had the chance to compare German educational situation with the Catalan one, and I have to say that it seems to be much better in Catalonia.

I want to appeal to politicians of education and finance: Please give the young people the chance to work under the conditions they have in Vilafranca. I feel ashamed for the conditions our students have to deal with!

Place: Shop of exotic animals

Research' student: The Piton


The capital of Catalonia, a very beautiful city.

* REPORTS (Active Citizenship, Intercultural Issues, Educations, ITC, etc.)

My daily life in Productive Learning

[german version]