The Fogelströmska Gymnasiet in Stockholm is a school for students who failed the compulsory school in the core subjects Swedish, English and Mathematics. The students are from 16 to 20 years old, half of them are immigrants. After three years they can apply for a national programme in the upper secondary school or to start a professional career.


The pedagogical concept follows the ideas of Productive Learning. That means the students are responsible for their learning process, they plan, fulfil and evaluate their learning. The students are guided by teachers, career guides, social welfare officers and some other specialists. The equipment of the school is excellent, in the classrooms you feel a good atmosphere.


I appreciated very much that the students of a tourism class had arranged a special tour to the old city of Stockholm. They had selected the topics by themselves.


The same tourism class were our hosts in their school. The German students had the chance to make interviews. They asked them about their school, their practical placements and about their future plans. Most of them really know what they will do.


The work of Fogelströmska Gymnasiet shows that Productive Learning is a good method even for a high level education. Thank you all for this great experience!

Place: Shop of exotic animals

Research' student: The Piton


The capital of Catalonia, a very beautiful city.

* REPORTS (Active Citizenship, Intercultural Issues, Educations, ITC, etc.)

My daily life in Productive Learning

[german version]